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This is a very well conceived and executed idea with fun appealing art and sound. Super confident game with a lot of good going for it.

I found the combination of predictable wave based combat and upgrade pathing to be fairly engaging and self explanatory. The game performs well and the player momentum and weapons feel quite good. I like that you made it super obvious when you are recharging for the next shot to be available. Your gameplay music is really adorable and catchy.

I found the rotating spread to be confusing at first. For a couple minutes I thought the amount of time I held down my shooting button indicated the spread width, until I eventually realized it was rotating between 3 states. I think this could be a great upgrade, but I didn't catch on to how it worked, and I didn't really enjoy the rotation after I did realize how it works. Though there was some challenge in timing my shooting spread, I mostly treated it as a non spreading weapon in practice, if that makes sense?

I also miss the feature that is in Isaac where you can hold down the button to shoot. For accessibility reasons, I had to quit at your cool Boss level, because the repeated motion was a bit taxing on my hand.

Great job!

Very fun! I love the upgrade system, and the boss fight was super cool too!

Well done! Really creative take on the theme.

Loved it! WEll thought out and perfectly packaged little game. Completed it and want to play again. Keep it up ! 

I could probably play this for hours! I beat the boss! fun game overall!

No cheese, only snot!

damn, i just cant manage to defeat the boss in endless mode.
like the guy make 1,5 turns in no time, I jsut cant keep up with that speed :-/

Also, I am still not sure:
at which point or with which upgrade does the shotting turn from "press button to shoot once" to "hold button to auto fire"?


With the ACHOO! upgrade, which lowers attack cooldown. I received a few complaints of hurt hands from having to mash at the maximumspeed haha


Just updated a version, I had messed up the frequency of enemy spawns on the boss and make it rotate a bit slower, hope it helps!


nice game but really would have preferred to keep playing after the one and only boss as the game just seemed to start of from there


Thats why endless mode is there!

I just wanted to make the main game short and sweet cause I felt the game could drag on if not careful


Loved this game! the boss fight on hard was STRESSFULL!! my final score was 21,175!


I really liked the description on the "less spread" upgrade.

Fun game!


Fun little survivor type game.


Great mechanics, I like the idea of cycling shot types but it was hard to figure out at first.  I thought holding down the fire button changed the spread of the shot.  Some of the descriptions for the abilities are a bit hard to read.  Maybe having a thicker outline for those would help a bit.

Very fun mechanics, and the final boss was very intuitive!

Thank you! I'll see what I can do about the text.

I thought of adding that mechanic of holding the shot - but then the games devolves into holding down the button to get the minimum spread instead of using all of your arsenal to your advantage. I hope it didn't take too long to figure the mechanic out!

Yeah I prefer the cycling shot power over holding it down.  It only took me half way through the first wave to figure it out, so it wasn't bad.


This has a lot of potential, the art has some charm. Great work!

I literally just uploaded a version that improves some of the art, thank you!


This is really fun! I've encountered some lags here and there on the web version and one enemy looped its death sound for 3 seconds. The abilities you get each round are varied and interesting. I need to add this to my own game one day.

(1 edit)

Yeah, i've had lag in most Godot browser games for this jam, I think there's not much I can do about it, sadly.

Thanks for playing!


Ayyy, the binding of isaac vibe is real, pretty polished movement and combat, 10/10 would snot again

what if isaac was a rat

thank you for playing!


I've had way too much fun with this sick rat